Logo and names
Parking facility signage
The Q-Park logo may be combined with the parking facility name on signs in and around the parking facility. All parking facilities display the parking facility name above the entrance; this is the master logo plus the parking facility name. This design was developed by our house style architects. The corporate Real Estate Department has technical drawings with all details including the dimensions and use of the building materials.
Parking facility names
The name of the parking facility should be logical and chosen in consultation with country management. The name should be easily recognisable as it may refer to a well-known Point Of Interest (POI) nearby: theatre, shopping centre, office, museum, hospital, airport, famous square, and the like.
The correct notation is always: Q-Park plus parking facility name. The letters used for the parking facility name must have same the height as the word 'PARK' in the logo.

Figure 14 Logo with parking facility name

Commercial signage
We prefer not to use third-party commercial signs in combination with our own Customer Guiding System (CGS) house style. But sometimes combining the Q-Park master logo with commercial partner logos is a good way to guide customers. See the Real Estate Department's Customer Guiding System manual for further details.
Names and abbreviations
The name of a service, business unit, or department always consists of the written word ‘Q-Park’ followed by the relevant name.
Q-Park is always written with a capital Q and capital P, with a hyphen between the Q and the P. The first letter of the service, entity, department, or parking facility, name is also capitalised.
Q-Park Beheer BV
Q-Park Ireland Ltd
Q-Park Park + Ride
The name of a service, company, business unit, or department may not be combined with the logo. By way of exception, the logo may be combined with the parking facility name on signs in and around the parking facility.

Q-Park may not be omitted in a name and must certainly not be bastardised.
For internal services and/or projects the letter ‘Q’ may be used in combination with other letters/words - only allowed in body copy - if this is executed without the Q-Park logo and/or the letter ‘Q’ of the logo.
QCR: Q-Park Control Room
QCD: Q-Park Customer Desk
QIS: Q-Park ICT Services
QFS: Q-Park Financial Services
When referring to multiple Q-Park companies and countries the sequence from a reporting perspective is as follows:
Q-Park Netherlands
Q-Park Germany
Q-Park France
Q-Park Belgium
Q-Park United Kingdom
Q-Park Ireland
Q-Park Denmark
To indicate the legal form of a company, follow the official notation used in the country concerned. This sequence shows the official notation and the historical sequence of expansion:
Holding: Q-Park BV
Netherlands: Q-Park Beheer BV
Germany: Q-Park GmbH & Co. KG
Belgium: Q-Park Belgium NV
United Kingdom: Q-Park Ltd
France: Q-Park France
Ireland: Q-Park Ireland Ltd
Denmark: Q-Park Denmark A/S