Photography in parking facilities

For photos in, around or about our parking facilities we recommend working with a professional photographer. Bear in mind that the main aim of hiring a professional is to obtain visuals that can be used for as many applications as possible.


Time of visit

The most usable photos of parking facilities are made when the parking facility is in use and the majority of parking spaces are occupied.


In order to achieve this ‘best result’ it is important to fine-tune the time of visit with the photographer. Criteria for timing a photographer's visit include:

  • Before the start of any refurbishment works issue the ‘Before’ photoshoot.

    • Make note of the exact location and camera settings so that the same shot can be taken when refurbishment is complete, thus creating a set of before and after visuals.

  • Parking floors and pedestrian areas are clean and all elements function properly:

    • no dust on floors, no random litter, no litter visible in bins;

    • no broken lights;

    • no temporary signage, tape lines, loose cables, barriers or fencing, et cetera.

  • Visuals are preferably taken in the direction of the traffic flow so that signage for motorists and pedestrians is visible. Try to avoid 'no entry' or other prohibition signs.

  • Try to capture customer and operational activity.

  • Make sure that customers and/or employees photographed give their permission to use their portraits for international communication purposes. See the suggested consent form for in- and external use in the appendix.

  • A theme checklist can be downloaded.

    • It contains themes for visuals we need.

    • Approved visuals can be easily categorised for Idefix.


Note: number plates captured must be made illegible to respect privacy.