

As we are listed on a semi-public stock exchange and we have many bond investors with a variety of needs and questions, we need to ensure that the board and our shareholders are not ‘surprised’ by what’s happening in the group.

This protocol outlines the governing of all external communication, and all proactive and reactive engagements with members of the media. All third party interactions, related to external communication, are part of this protocol too.

  • Proactive: (including but not limited to) news items, press releases, social media messages.

  • Reactive: (including but not limited to) quotes, statements, responses, inquiries, interview requests.

A clear and consistent positioning of Q-Park as a company and brand is essential to our business. Therefore, it is vital that Q-Park speaks with one voice and that all media interactions, whether verbal or in writing, whether online, offline or for broadcast are cleared and in line with Q-Park’s messaging.

In order to guarantee consistency of messaging throughout the group, all those who act on behalf of Q-Park should check and consult Brand, Communications & CSR at corporate headquarters first, before engaging with any external communication, media outlet or journalist.

Scope of protocol

The protocol applies to all media messaging and materials, which include but are not limited to (i) press releases, (ii) news items, blogs, white papers and opinion pieces; (iii) media interviews for/in any publication; (iv) media requests for commentary, media quotes and statements; (v) media background calls/off-the-record engagements; (vi) media engagements and speaker opportunities at external events; (vii) paid for advertorials and (viii) social media posts.

To be sure, the following messages are exempt for clearence:

  • Promotional (i.e. pre-booking campaign, app campaign, …)

  • Operational (i.e. road is closed, parking decks are closed for renovation, …)

  • HRM (i.e. job openings, employee social activities, ...)

Handling media enquiries

Any incoming media enquiries concerning the reserved issues can simply be passed on to Q-Park corporate headquarters by using the following guideline.

Basic guidelines for dealing with incoming media enquiries

Those who act as spokesperson on behalf of Q-Park should only comment directly to questions from media if the enquiry does (i) not concern a reserved issue and (ii) they are 100% sure of the answer. When in doubt, please use the following statement:

I am not able to answer your question at this time. However, I have taken note of your enquiry and will get back to you on this as soon as possible.

In all such circumstances, please use the following basic guidelines:

  1. Never speculate, never immediately confirm/deny or provide additional commentary.

  2. Take notes of their questions, publication window and contact details.

  3. Use the call to gather information on what they seem to know and what their sources are.

  4. Mention that he/she will be called back if applicable/as soon as possible.

  5. Consult Brand, Communications & CSR for guidance and alignment on appropriate follow-up.

Clearance of media messaging and materials

Prepared media messaging and materials are to be cleared by Brand, Communications & CSR at Q-Park corporate headquarters in advance. Please use to inform the team in a timely manner and accompanied by a basic English translation.

Please bear in mind that the team may require up to a maximum of 48 hours to respond with feedback, unless otherwise agreed. For media enquiries urgent requests, please indicate why the request is urgent so the team can take this into account and/or reach out to the team directly at +31 627 830 359.

When in doubt, please do reach out to Brand, Communications & CSR for advice and guidance on the matter. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

Basic procedure for clearance of media responses, outings and materials

Please apply the basic following steps:

  1. Send a brief description of the media issue/case at hand and envisaged window, your suggested approach and messaging as well as any related draft PR materials to

    1. (if required add a basic English translation).

    2. If the go-ahead is needed urgently, call or WhatsApp.

  2. Where appropriate jointly discuss, review and/or align approach, messaging and materials.

  3. Process guidance and/or feedback (if any) from Brand, Communications & CSR for final clearance.

  4. Apply cleared approach, messaging and materials whether for reactive or proactive media purposes.

  5. Keep track of publications, share media coverage and feedback with Brand, Communications & CSR.

Prepared media messaging and materials should typically be assessed against criteria, such as (i) whether or not it relates to a reserved issue; (ii), impact on corporate reputation; (iii) any business and commercial sensitivities, (iv) any financial, operational risk and/or cybersecurity sensitivities, (v) insider trading and information liabilities (e.g. forward looking statements); (vi) overall alignment with key messaging; and (vii) general quality of approach and materials.

Reserved issues

Q-Park has identified several topics which have been classified as reserved issues. Media engagement with regard to these reserved issues should typically reside with Q-Park corporate headquarters, but may - where appropriate - be (partly) delegated to local teams or certain individuals within Q-Park.

Our reserved issues list includes the following topics: (i) corporate strategy; (ii) mergers & acquisitions (iii) financial results; (iv) capital position and liquidity related matters; (v) shareholder, board and governance related issues, (vi), health and safety related issues, and (vii) cybersecurity and datasecurity related issues.

If you are unsure about what needs to follow this protocol (and what not) … it is better to be safe than sorry, so share more (not less).

If this protocol needs to be forwarded to other colleague(s), please do so and inform Corporate Communications Manager as to whom needs to be included for future reference.