Guideline for approval

About this guideline

As each country gradually focuses more on creating its own local Sustainable Mobility Partner (SMP) content (press releases, opinion pieces, local website cases,…), a clear workflow helps to get each content piece approved by Q-Park Corporate smoothly. Please note that you are free to create any piece of content you like – these guidelines are only here to make your content process easier and support you when necessary.

Process & timeline

  • Content idea

    • Once you have decided on creating a content piece, please share the concept/objective of the content with Q-Park Corporate via e-mail. You don’t need approval before starting with the creation, this step is only to inform Corporate about your initiative and provide support if needed.

  • Creation of the draft

    • We have a guideline available to strengthen consistency in SMP content & narratives.

    • We have a guideline available to create a strong SMP case story (celebrating success).

    • If you need support from your local PR agency (or freelancer), please feel free to do so.

  • First draft finished

    • Please check if you have consulted the guidelines to ensure style and language alignment.

    • When sharing your draft, grant Q-Park Corporate colleagues some time for feedback/approval.

  • Feedback process

    • Q-Park Corporate aims to provide feedback on your draft within 1 to 3 business days.

    • You may iterate/discuss the draft with Corporate as much as you need.

    • You can save the final approved document here and inspire international colleagues.

Do not forget

We have a press release protocol in place as we are a semi-public company. Please review this protocol prior to any publication in scope.