Brand Points
2020 / 2021
Q-Park Brand Points – February
Q-Park Wallpapers: just a gimmick, wallpapers are available for your mobile phone
Q-Park Jargon
P+R (not P&R) – we use the plus-sign ... + ... for P+R (Park+Ride) to align with public parking signs.
(We use the and-sign … & … mostly for internal combinations (Pay & Display for example)).
Q-Park Recap
The Brand Points Series was initiated to put a bit of fun/focus on the Q-Park Brand
You may always contact Sacha Oerlemans regarding any Q-Park Brand query
On Idefix, you can find a great amount of practical tools amongst which: Q-Park Slide Deck, Q-Park Visuals, Q-Park Icons, Q-Park Templates, etc etc.
Q-Park Brand Points – December
Q-Park Season’s Greetings
Will be shared by e-mail and SocialSeeder campaign
Please share with business relationships, family and friends as you see fit – every unique click means we donate EUR 10 to Cordaid
Q-Park PowerPoint 2021 (template updated with 2021 in the footer)
The rest is identical to the April 2020 template
No Q-Park logo in the top-right corner – i.e. more space for headers
No grey bar at the bottom (upon request)
If you wish to change the Title slide visual, click on the visual, delete and replace it, then select the Layout Title slide*
Approved visuals of can be found on Idefix/Pictures and Idefix/We Develop Quality
Approved visuals may be created from Shutterstock (we have an account)
When adding a new slide, select one of the pre-defined layouts which fits your needs
*Select Home / Layout … or … Right-mouse-click and select Layout
The layout ‘Image bleed’ allows for a more ‘dramatic / visual story’ effect
Q-Park Jargon
Programme (not Program)
Q-Park Programmes such as the LED Programme, CyberSecurity Programme etc are written in British English
Program is American English or used for software only (i.e. software program)
Parking facility - we prefer to talk about parking facilities (not car parks) as we allow for more than cars to park at Q-Park i.e. bicycles, coaches etc
Q-Park Brand Points – November
Q-Park Colours
Some of us just need more colour than the standard Q-Park Red, Black & White
A Q-Park Charts & Graphs Colour Exercise, can be found on Idefix
Q-Park Expertise (available online and in pdf)
Showcases & Articles - Q-Park has a vast amount of information available;
Showcases highlight specific features which make Q-Park … Q-Park
Articles highlight our expertise on a variety of parking related topics
You and any other interested party are invited to register for our Information Platform
I solicit your input on topics for which a showcase or article should be created
Q-Park Jargon
Motorists (not drivers) – we use the word motorists for our parking customers (and the word drivers to address business drivers such as capital, employees, technological advancement)
Parking spaces (not places, spots, …) – we provide space, that’s what we do (spots may be perceived as a stain, i.e. a floor has spots)
Q-Park Collateral: Q-Park branded face-masks are available
Q-Park Brand Points – October
Did you know that:
Q-Park Brand is a masculine brand – based on its colours and shapes
Q-Park logo has 3 distinct angled parking spaces in its logo – 2 at the end, 1 in the Q
Q-Park is written with a capital Q and P with a hyphen in between (not q-Park, Q-park, Q Park, etc)
Use white text on red (not black, that doesn’t work for the colourblind)
Q-Park Presentation contents and tools are available:
Q-Park Slide Deck can be found on Idefix, this is a ‘deck’, not a presentation
Please select and adapt as you see fit- Information and/or references can be found in the speaker notes
This is never finished, if you have needs, please contact undersigned
Q-Park has a Shutterstock and a PresenterMedia account 2
Q-Park Jargon – Season tickets (not subscriptions)
This is a tough one as in most languages ‘abonnement’ works fine – not in Queens English
A subscription is something that comes to you (a magazine, newspaper, etc)
A season ticket is something you go to (football, theatre, parking)
Q-Park Templates (Excel, Word & PowerPoint) are available:
On Idefix
Or get them automatically by inserting a link in your personal templates location
In PowerPoint, go to File / Options / Save / Default personal templates location:
Insert the link: \\\IDEFIX\Templates\Office
In PowerPoint, select New ... go to the tab Personal ... and you'll find the Q-Park template
Once you've selected this template it will be pinned for future selection

Q-Park Brand Points – September
Did you know that:
The Q-Park trade name was valued at EUR 65.9 million in 2019 (yes, our brand is an asset).
Approved Q-Park items can be found on the Idefix drive (T drive), including icons and pictures.
There is a Q-Park Brand Identity Manual. Please share with partners when needed.
If you like to have a Q-Park A5 Notepad and/or a Q-Parker Pen – just ask.
Q-Park Brand Points – Rational
You may know the expression: There's an R in the month (indicating that the weather is getting colder and the days shorter). So I thought, why not put a bit of fun/focus on the Q-Park Brand when there is a B in the month. Sure enough, the Q-Park Brand is always important but sometimes it gets on the back burner. In other words, you may expect Q-Park Brand Points in September, October, November, December and February.
Q-Park Brand Points – Support
Regardless which time or day, you may contact me regarding any Q-Park Brand Point you may have. I’m happy to assist and/or optimise in any way possible.