Writing guidelines

Writing for Q-Park

Q-Park is about space – space for parking. So, we also use a lot of space in our communications. Space in your communications reflects the space we offer in our parking facilities.

Basic guidelines

All Q-Park communications should be clear and concise, and easy to understand at a glance – for visuals, and on first reading for texts. Follow your country/language ‘plain language’ guidelines.

  • Use inclusive language so not to offend

  • Use the active voice to communicate in a direct, concise and dynamic tone

  • Be positive and emphasise what can be done

  • Give credit for sources and images used and respect copyright.

Text for web pages should be brief and to the point:

  • Each page deals with a single topic or one specific key word

  • Use approximately 200-250 words per section/heading/screen, yet ensure the information you provide is complete

  • Use short sentences but do not oversimplify.

Website visitors scan rather than read:

  • Structure the information using headings and subheadings

  • Always mention the key word of the page in the first heading of your text

  • Ensure that headings, paragraphs and colours are used consistently

  • Use bullets to convey information concisely

  • Use FuturaTDem to emphasise (never bold).
    Note: The Content Management System (CMS) for adding content to the corporate and country websites does this automatically, as do the Q-Park MS Office templates.

Make the text inviting and attractive:

  • Use the key word of the page in the title

    • Keep titles brief

    • Avoid superlatives in titles.

  • When placing links in text, inform visitors what they will find

  • Split sentences so each contains only one idea

  • Alternate short and longer sentences to recreate the rhythm of natural speech

  • Use WE when speaking about Q-Park and YOU when referring to the customer or partner

  • Use everyday language that resonates with the target audience

  • Avoid using jargon. If you must, use a specific term and make sure you give an explanation.